12 Days of Christmas
Get your stocking stuffed with cash & prizes with the MN 97.5 "12 Days of Christmas" Contest...from Rochester Lapidary Jewelers and Tonna Mechanical! Beginning Thursday Dec 5th, listen for the cue-to-call each day to win a Holiday Prize Package worth over $350!
Downtown Dazzle
Get ready to "feel the magic of the season" at Downtown Dazzle on Saturday December 7th beginning at 5:30pm in downtown Rochester.
Shop Local
Join MN 97.5 in supporting the local businesses that make our community vibrant and unique. Every local purchase helps our local economy thrive. This year...Shop Local!
Army Navy Game & Veterans Salute
Join MN 97.5 at VFW Post 1215 on Saturday Dec 14th for the Army/Navy Game and Veterans Salute...brought to you by Rochester Overhead Door Company and Steve Gentry Construction.
Sunday Funday
SUNDAY FUNDAY is back at Charlie's Eatery & Pub with Paxton Electric, Tonna Mechanical and MN 97.5!